Are you struggling to implement the necessary energy conservation measures by December 31st, 2025 to comply with DC BEPS Cycle 1? The Extended Deep Energy Retrofit (EDER) pathway offers a golden opportunity for building owners to extend your deadline. This flexible,...
In the District of Columbia, three essential programs are making a significant impact on energy efficiency and sustainability: Income Qualified Efficiency Fund (IQEF); Affordable Housing Retrofit Accelerator (AHRA); And Commercial Direct Install (CDI). IQEF and...
For many condos and co-ops, complying with DC’s new Building Energy and Performance Standards (BEPS) may feel like a hardship. We are very excited to share a project that we are currently working on where the community is using BEPS as an opportunity to significantly...
This week owners and property managers of properties exceeding 50k square feet in the District of Columbia received a letter from the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) informing them of whether their building is subject to Building Energy Performance...
As a property owner or manager in District of Columbia, the most important new regulatory system you should be aware of for 2021 is the Building Energy Performance Standards or BEPS. BEPS was a major aspect of the 2018 Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act and established one...