Good news coming from the DC Public Service Commission (PSC). A new regulation raises the maximum size of Net Energy Metered (NEM) solar PV systems. For a refresher as to what exactly a NEM system is, take a look at this article we posted a few months ago. Prior to...
DC is a national leader in the proper recycling of e-waste. DC enacted the Sustainable Solid Waste Management Amendment Act in 2014 that created the eCYCLE DC program with the goal to divert 80% of e-waste away from landfills by 2032. You can recycle your...
by Bobby Monacella of Ipsun Solar This week House Democrats introduced the Moving Forward Act, a sweeping $1.5 trillion package to support long-term economic growth in response to COVID-19. We are so happy to see that the package includes our stated...
By Stewart Lawrence The DC Clean Energy Omnibus bill of 2018 established the creation of a “Green Energy Finance Authority,” or more commonly referred to as a Green Bank. That sounds interesting, but begs some questions: What is a Green Bank? What is its purpose and...
OK, we are energy geeks and think this period of economic uncertainty is a great time to be focused on reducing your utility costs. However, we also acknowledge that most of our clientele are currently focused on something more important: keeping their people safe and...
By Bobby Monnacella @ Ipsun Solar Please help us support two important solar bills currently moving through the Virginia legislature. The Solar Freedom bill and the Clean Economy Act are both important for the future of solar in Virginia, and we need to make sure our...