Energy commodity prices are notoriously difficult to predict. Unforeseen weather and political factors can dash the conclusions of the most thoughtfully orchestrated economic forecasts. We at Honeydew do not pretend to be experts at economic forecasting. Instead, we...
Honeydew Energy Advisors has been active at the DC Chamber of Commerce Membership Committee for the past 5 years. Through our participation, we have had the privilege of meeting many political and business leaders in the District. We have also earned exciting...
Net Metered or NEM systems are the most common grid-direct (no batteries) solar PV system. These systems feed power to a single meter. Currently in DC, the total amount of energy the system produces may be no more than the meter consumes over the course of a year. If...
Over the past 10 years, chiropractors have been raking it in from treating whiplash from those watching the Maryland SREC market. In 2009, MD SREC prices rivaled their neighbor DC at $325 per megawatt hour. This value was slashed in half over the next 5 years as the...
Many critics of the American approach to renewable energy deployment correctly point to its regressive nature. Specifically, the beneficiaries of federal and local subsidies to solar energy systems tend to be wealthy. After all, until recently, you need to own the...